
Table of


Chapter 5

Dismounted Battle Space OCRs

Battlespace domination will be achieved through high-tempo, all-weather, air-land-sea continuos operations. Dismounted force mobility and maneuver improvements will be achieved by lightening the soldier's load, increasing his ability to overcome terrain and obstacle restrictions, optimizing the performance of his equipment, and improving his physiology. In order to meet force projection requirements, the Army must have the capability of overmatching lethality throughout the battlefield. Combat systems must have greater effective ranges, increased probabilities of kill, and decreased susceptibility to enemy acquisition, countermeasures, and natural obscurants. The Army has an increased requirement to respond to international crises that develop in peacekeeping or peacemaking environments. US military forces will be required to apply force that is non-lethal to combatants and non- combatants, and, in selected cases, force that is non-destructive to materials or the environment.

Dismounted Battlespace

5-1. DBS01A: Dismounted Soldier Engagement of Moving and Stationary Targets.

Enhance ability of dismounted solider to engage moving and stationary with both direct and indirect fire. Provide overmatching lethality against current and future systems of potential adversaries.

5-2. DBS02A: Increased lethality of dismounted soldier weaponry.

To defeat personnel, thin-skinned vehicles, bunkers, armor, fixed and rotary wing aircraft, and indirect fire weapon systems. Application of enhanced ammunition, leap ahead ballistics technology, directed energy technology, and advanced fire control for dismounted soldier direct fire and indirect fire systems.

DBS02B: Dismounted Non-Lethal Means.

Direct and indirect dismounted soldier capabilities for defeating personnel and vehicles without causing permanent injuries or incapacitation to personnel and mission kills or non- catastrophic defeat of material systems.

5-3. DBS03 Increased Dismounted Soldier Target Acquisition Capabilities.

Require increased capabilities including information awareness and intelligence awareness.

5-4. DBS04A: Smart and Intelligent Mines.

Tactically transportable by dismounted soldiers which provide a wide area stand-off capability, autonomous operations, and function as a sensor for other lethality and intelligence systems.

5-5. DBS05A: Enhanced Dismounted Soldier Indirect Fires.

Require improved munitions, enhanced fire control, and precision guided munitions.

5-6. DBS06: Passive Capabilities.

Dismounted soldiers require passive capabilities for protection against ballistic, directed energy, and electromagnetic effects, extreme environmental conditions, and non-battle injuries.

5-7. DBS07: Active Capabilities.

Dismounted soldiers require active capabilities to enhance survivability including timely intelligence, extended target acquisition and engagement ranges, combat identification, and low observables, combat life saving, battle injury treatment and prevention, non-battle casualty prevention, and veterinary services.

5-8. DBS08: Dismounted Forces Acquisition Countermeasures.

Dismounted forces which reduce or eliminate hostile forces capabilities to detect, locate, range, and engage dismounted solider with lethal effects are required to enhance dismounted soldiers' survivability. New, lighter weight, stronger materials are required to replace heavier armor.

5-9. DBS09: Signature Reduction.

Signature reduction technologies for application to dismounted soldiers are required to reduce soldiers' signature in the visual, thermal, acoustic, and radar bandwidths. Low observable technologies, advanced conventional and multi-spectral camouflage is required to counter enemy acquisition capabilities.

5-10. DBS10: Indicators and Warnings For Dismounted Soldiers:

Forces operating in dismounted battle space require the capability to access the full spectrum of intelligence information. This includes the capability to collect, analyze, produce, and disseminate timely intelligence data. Required intelligence data includes indicators and warnings, situational awareness (enemy and friendly), system targeting, and targeting development.

5-11. DBS11: Drop Zone and Landing Zone Intelligence.

Capability required to generate and provide the dismounted forces with information on Drops Zones (DZ) and Landing Zones (LZ).

5-12. DBS12: Post Strike Assessments/Battle Damage Assessments.

Forces require significantly enhanced capabilities for Post Strike and Battle Damage assessments. Ability required to generate and quickly disseminate assessments to forces actively engaging the target as well as command posts and fire direction centers engaging the target set.

5-13. DBS13: Integrated Target Acquisition:

Capabilities are required which provide vertical and horizontal, near real time, target acquisition information throughout the task force. This capability is key to massing effects of fires without massing friendly forces.

5-14. DBS14: Extended Range of Target Acquisition:

Extended range, all spectrum target acquisition will enhance the capabilities of individual soldiers, weapons platforms, and indirect fire systems. Target acquisition systems must provide the capability to have near real time sensor to shooter linkages which incorporate both brigade and below systems and echelon above brigade systems, including systems of other services, national level systems, and those of coalition forces.

5-15. DBS15: Sensor to Shooter Linkages:

The task force commander must have the ability to plan and control the sensor to shooter linkages to effectively extend his battle space.

5-16. DBS16: Improved Weapons Pointing and Control:

Capabilities required for day/night, all weather target location, tracking (including auto tracking), combat identification, weapons pointing and shooting, acquisition and full solution fire control to enhance weapons' effect on targets.

5-17. DBS17: Increased Control of Battle Tempo:

Battle command systems are required to provide horizontal and vertical command and control capability in near real time, enabling dismounted forces to operate at faster tempo than the enemy. The capability to gather, analyze, and disseminate information on both friendly and enemy forces from multiple sources.

5-18. DBS18: Near Real Time Data Fusion:

Dismounted forces require near real time data fusion and software commonality.

5-19. DBS19: Automated Planning and Rehearsal.

Dismounted forces require the capability to conduct automated planning and rehearsals, split based C4, situational awareness, and logistics support.

5-20. DBS20: Dismounted Digitization:

Systems must be digitized and capable of linking all battlefield elements from the individual soldier through the brigade level. They must also provide linkage to systems above brigade including joint, national, and coalition systems. These systems must provide vertical and horizontal information linkages with the capability to process information to prevent information overload.

5-21. DBS21: Dismounted Soldier Communications and Information:

Lighter weight, smaller communication and integrated personal computer equipment will be required to reduce soldier and vehicle loads while maintaining secure communications and information flow.

5-22. DBS22: Rapid Breaching of Obstacles by Dismounted Forces.

Require capabilities to detect, identify, and breach or bypass natural or manmade obstacles to enhance dismounted forces mobility.

5-23. DBS23: Tactical Dismounted Mobility.

Forces operating in the dismounted battle space require the capability for high rapid, agile mobility in close terrain, restrictive terrain, and during airborne, air assault, and waterborne operations.

5-24. DBS24: Mobility Enhancements.

Forces operating in the dismounted battle space require increased/enhanced mobility via the reduction of systems and vehicle weights, improved vehicular design, and integrated robotics and climatic control designs , and nutritional/medical enhancements

5-25. DBS25: Reduced Soldier Load.

Ground and air robotics platforms required to reduce the load of the soldier, relieving his burden of non-combat essential equipment.

5.26. DBS26: Training and Leader Development.

Training and leader development will be key to maintaining combat ready soldiers and units. Success on the battlefield will require the interrelated and supporting individual, institutional, and unit training pillars adapting to the doctrine, organizational, and materiel systems that are emerging.